Department - Interest/Affinity
Website Mission
Contact: Email group officers
Mission Students and staff of the University Center gathered in spring 1997 to put their ideas for the brewhaus on paper and put a plan in motion. The department formerly known as Recreational Services was moving to Allen Center to create better access to their equipment. The space it was vacating was unique in size and structure; some paneled walls, carpeted floor, cement floor and a variety of pipes running through the ceiling. It was a "perfect" place for a coffeehouse/pub! The organizing committee struggled for a long time with a name for the department. But after seeing the location and the budget, the "basement" theme seemed appropriate. Since a lot more than coffee and beer would be brewing in the new area, the committee combined the physical location with what was happening and came up with the "Basement Brewhaus." To keep with the theme and the budget, the staff spent the entire summer before opening scavenging through rummage sales looking for furniture, lamps, board games and anything else in a typical basement recreation room. The staff also spent countless hours painting water pipes, putting up wall decorations and arranging furniture. Today, the Basement Brewhaus hosts performances, sells hot and cold beverages and provides a fun filled atmosphere. Visit us today and see for yourself what we offer!
Membership Benefits
Basement Brewhaus has a total of 215 points.
Lifetime membership