
This region is just before the top search and filters bar. Press Tab to continue.
This region is just before the group type filters. Press Tab to continue.
This region is just before the group list results. Press Tab to continue.
  • Academic and Career Advising Center

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    Academic and Career Advising Center has a total of 107 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Allen Fitness Center

    Department - Social/Recreational, Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    Allen Fitness Center has a total of 10 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Aquatics Center

    Department - Interest/Affinity


    Aquatics Center has a total of 1365 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Athletics

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    Athletics has a total of 395 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Basement Brewhaus

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    Basement Brewhaus has a total of 120 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Campus Activities and Student Engagement

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    Campus Activities and Student Engagement has a total of 873 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Center for Prevention

    Department - Interest/Affinity


    Center for Prevention has a total of 20 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Climbing Wall

    Department - Interest/Affinity


    Climbing Wall has a total of 655 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • College of Fine Arts and Communication

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    College of Fine Arts and Communication has a total of 5 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • College of Letters and Science

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    College of Letters and Science has a total of 45 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • College of Natural Resources

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    College of Natural Resources has a total of 5 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • College of Natural Resources Student Success Center

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    College of Natural Resources Student Success Center has a total of 70 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • College of Professional Studies

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Continuing Education

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    Continuing Education has a total of 15 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Cornerstone Press

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Counseling Center

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Dean of Students

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Department of Military Science

    Department - Academic


    Lifetime membership

  • Diversity and College Access

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    Diversity and College Access has a total of 60 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Financial Aid

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Green Advocates

    Department - Interest/Affinity


    Green Advocates has a total of 15 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Group Exercise

    Department - Social/Recreational, Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    Group Exercise has a total of 1217 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Housing and Residence Life

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    Housing and Residence Life has a total of 99 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • International Students and Scholars Office

    Department - Interest/Affinity


    Lifetime membership

  • Intramural Sports

    Department - Interest/Affinity


    Intramural Sports has a total of 27 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Marshfield Student Life & Campus Events

    Department - Interest/Affinity


    Marshfield Student Life & Campus Events has a total of 65 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Multicultural Resource Center

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    Multicultural Resource Center has a total of 33 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Office of International Education

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Office of Sustainability

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    Office of Sustainability has a total of 35 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Paper Science and Chemical Engineering

    Department - Interest/Affinity


    Lifetime membership

  • Pointer Volunteer Service Award

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    Pointer Volunteer Service Award has a total of 2 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Pointers After Dark

    Department - Social/Recreational, Interest/Affinity


    Pointers After Dark has a total of 20 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Pointers Week

    Department - Interest/Affinity


    Pointers Week has a total of 45 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Political Science Department

    Department - Academic

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Political Science Department has a total of 20 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Queer Resource Center

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Queer Resource Center has a total of 46 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Schmeeckle Reserve

    Department - Social/Recreational


    Lifetime membership

  • School of Education

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    School of Education has a total of 5 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • School of Health Sciences & Wellness


    Website Mission

    School of Health Sciences & Wellness has a total of 8 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Sentry School of Business and Economics

    Department - Academic

    Website Mission

    Sentry School of Business and Economics has a total of 15 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Small Business Development Center

    Department - Interest/Affinity


    Lifetime membership

  • Student Health Service

    Department - Interest/Affinity


    Student Health Service has a total of 5 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Study Abroad/National Student Exchange

    Department - Interest/Affinity


    Study Abroad/National Student Exchange has a total of 245 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Tutoring- Learning Center

    Department - Interest/Affinity


    Tutoring- Learning Center has a total of 50 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • UC Marketing

    Department - Interest/Affinity


    Lifetime membership

  • University Centers Student Employment

    Department - Interest/Affinity


    University Centers Student Employment has a total of 45 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • University College

    Department - Interest/Affinity


    University College has a total of 5 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • University Dining

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • University Library

    Department - Interest/Affinity


    University Library has a total of 5 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • University Police & Security Services



    University Police & Security Services has a total of 10 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • University Store and Text Rental

    Department - Interest/Affinity


    Lifetime membership

  • UW-Stevens Point at Wausau

    Department - Interest/Affinity


    Lifetime membership

  • UWSP Alumni Association

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    UWSP Alumni Association has a total of 25 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Wausau Tutoring-Learning Center

    Department - Interest/Affinity


    Lifetime membership

  • Wausau-Campus Activities and Student Engagement

    Department - Interest/Affinity

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • This region is just before the bottom page controls. Press Tab to continue.