About Us
The Izaak Walton League of America is one of the oldest conservation organizations in the United States. It was founded in 1922, and has over 250 local chapters throughout the nation. We're a diverse group of men and women dedicated to protecting our nation's soil, air, woods, waters and wildlife. Our strength lies in our grassroots and commonsense approach to solving local, regional and national conservation issues. While our interests span the spectrum of outdoor recreation and conservation activities, such as angling, birding, stream monitoring, wildlife photography and hunting, we all share one major goal: to protect and sustainably use America's rich resources, ensuring a high quality of life for all people, now and in the future. This student chapter focuses on experiencing natural resources through community outreach programs and volunteering in conjunction with our local parent chapter (Bill Cook chapter). Bill Cook Chapter clubhouse is located at 5341 WI-66, Stevens Point, WI 54482 (East past the Stevens Point municipal airport). The chapter grounds consist of about 153 acres of managed land that includes rifle, pistol, trap, and bow ranges for members' use. Our clubhouse provides space for education, meetings and special events. If other clubs wish to use the grounds they must reach out to us no later then 30 day prior to their event. Club policy states that one must provide a 30 day notice and an application for use of the grounds, followed by the boards approval. Meetings: Are held on Monday's, bi-weekly, in Room 170 of the TNR @ 5:00 pm.